Wow! Has it really been this long?
Well, hello again! I just pulled up my blog and realized that it had been a year and 3 months since my last flies when I'm not (flying....get it?).To catch everyone up as quickly as possible, I will tell you that after my solo and 3 supervised solo's, I did log about 4-5 hours of solo time doing my own touch & go's and such. The first time I showed up at the airport, preflighted the plane, started it and taxied out to take off experience. It felt like I was stealing my Dad's sports car to go out on my own and no one was stopping me! I kept looking over my shoulder as I taxied out and was thinking " would be a good time to come out and stop me!!!!" But, no, all was good. I managed to get in several good flights to try to get better......
Then life got in the way. Time and money seemed to dry up on me. When I had one, I didn't have the other. Then in December, I had a medical issue that was enough to ground me temporarily. I worked my way through that and as of about 10:00am this morning, I've got that taken care of and am good to go medically. My last flight was logged on 7/13/06. When I looked at my logbook a couple of weeks ago, I was shocked it had been that long.
I called Kary a week or so ago and scheduled a lesson with him again. To try to get back in the saddle and see if I can finally put this thing to bed.
As for the blog....I'm going to start again and do my best to keep you up to date. You wouldn't believe the number of people that I get emails from asking how my training is going, etc. People from all over the world (Italy, Great Britain, etc).
So, sit back, secure your belonging, bring your seat backs to a full upright and locked position....'cause I'm not stopping this time, till I have a Certificate in my hand!
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